Meet the development team

Meet the members of our world-class development team who will create for you a distinctive learning environment. Composed of qualified consultants from different backgrounds and professional experiences, our team has a proven capacity to embed learning through flexible and pragmatic approaches. 

With close proximity to the aeronautics sector, we understand the type of demands placed on professionals who work in this business. We can therefore design tailored solutions and services to help improve performance and efficiency on the job. Our team will fully explore your learning requirements, propose and deliver the best solution and then evaluate and analyse the results.

 Meet Nadège

Start quotingHelping our customers to collaborate, share their knowledge and best practices to be more efficient and to create business value. Alone we go faster but together we go further!End quoting


Nadège began her career in an American automotive supplier. Curious and disliking routine, she held several positions in this company where she developed competences in process design, configuration management, internal audit and collaborative sites design and administration. Working in transversal activities has helped her to develop a strong interest in collective work & information sharing.

She decided to complete her skillset by completing a Master’s degree in Information Management. After that she worked as consultant for Airbus where she was involved in numerous transformation and change management projects.

This background allowed her to develop a strong interest in knowledge management and collective sharing. Nadège believes that we are entering a knowledge-based economy era where actors and knowledge are at the heart of business value creation.

Nadège will support you in the implementation of our KM solutions or customise one specifically according to your needs.